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Cost Savings From Destratification Solutions

Cost Savings From Destratification Solutions - Fanquip

In an era where energy efficiency and cost reduction are paramount for businesses, destratification solutions, particularly destratification fans, are emerging as essential tools in achieving these objectives. These innovative systems tackle the often-overlooked issue of thermal stratification, ensuring a more uniform distribution of temperature within large indoor spaces. By effectively managing indoor climates and optimising the performance of HVAC systems, destratification fans not only enhance comfort and productivity but also offer substantial savings on energy costs. This post explores the mechanics behind these systems, their advantages, and the tangible cost benefits they bring to commercial and industrial settings.

The Purpose of Destratification Fans

Destratification fans address a common yet often overlooked issue in large indoor spaces: thermal stratification. This phenomenon occurs when warm air rises to the ceiling, leaving cooler air at the floor level. Not only does this lead to discomfort, but it also results in inefficient heating or cooling, as HVAC systems work harder to maintain consistent temperatures. Destratification fans redistribute warm air from the ceiling back to the floor, minimising temperature gradients and enhancing the efficiency of heating and cooling systems.

When to Use Destratification Fans

The ideal scenarios for deploying destratification fans are in spaces with high ceilings and large volume areas where air stratification can significantly impact temperature uniformity and energy consumption. Warehouses, manufacturing plants, gymnasiums, and retail spaces are prime examples. These fans are particularly beneficial during cooler months when heating costs skyrocket due to the inefficient distribution of warm air.

Are Destratification Fans Worth It?

The short answer is yes. Destratification fans are a cost-effective solution for managing indoor climate and reducing energy consumption. By improving air movement and reducing the workload on HVAC systems, these fans can save businesses up to 20%-30% on heating costs. Moreover, they enhance comfort levels by eliminating drafts and temperature fluctuations, creating a more stable and pleasant indoor environment.

How Many Destratification Fans Do You Need?

The number of destratification fans required depends on several factors, including the size of the space, ceiling height, existing HVAC system capacity, and specific temperature control needs. A thorough assessment by professionals can determine the optimal number and placement of fans to achieve the desired energy savings and comfort levels.

JBS Giant Fan

The Cost Savings of Using Destratification Fans

Utilising destratification fans leads to substantial cost savings, primarily through reduced heating costs and more efficient use of HVAC systems. By recirculating warm air that would otherwise be wasted at the ceiling, these fans significantly reduce the need for additional heating, translating to savings of up to 30% on energy bills. Additionally, the more uniform temperature distribution reduces the frequency of HVAC cycling, further lowering energy consumption and extending the lifespan of heating and cooling equipment.

The Cost Savings Of Using Destratification Fans - Fanquip

Industries That Require Air Destratification by Law

While air destratification itself might not be explicitly mandated by law across all industries, certain sectors are subject to regulations that necessitate maintaining uniform temperature conditions, indirectly requiring the implementation of air destratification solutions. These regulations are primarily concerned with health, safety, product integrity, and energy efficiency. Industries that commonly require air destratification, either due to regulatory demands or best practice standards, include:

  • Food Processing and Cold Storage: These facilities must adhere to strict temperature controls to prevent spoilage and ensure food safety, as mandated by food safety regulations like HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points). Destratification helps maintain consistent temperatures, especially in large refrigerated warehouses or processing plants.
  • Pharmaceuticals: The pharmaceutical industry is regulated by stringent guidelines to ensure the efficacy and safety of drugs. Facilities must maintain precise temperature conditions, as dictated by the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) regulations, making destratification systems crucial for compliance.
  • Healthcare: Hospitals and healthcare facilities often require specific temperature conditions for patient comfort, the storage of medicines, and the operation of sensitive equipment. Regulations and guidelines from health departments and accreditation bodies may necessitate destratification to meet these needs.
  • Manufacturing and Industrial: Certain manufacturing processes, especially those involving temperature-sensitive materials or products, require consistent environmental conditions. While not always legally mandated, maintaining uniform temperatures through destratification can be critical for product quality and process efficiency.
  • Retail and Commercial Buildings: Energy efficiency regulations and building codes, such as those outlined in the Building Code of Australia (BCA), often set standards for indoor environmental quality, including temperature uniformity. While not directly requiring destratification, compliance with these standards can sometimes necessitate its use.
  • Green Building Certifications:  In Australia, facilities aiming for green building certifications such as Green Star, administered by the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA), might incorporate destratification solutions to enhance their energy efficiency and indoor environment quality. While destratification is not a specific requirement, it aligns with Green Star’s objectives to reduce energy consumption and improve occupant comfort, thereby contributing to the overall sustainability rating of a building.

It’s important for businesses within these and potentially other industries to stay informed about the specific regulations and standards applicable to their operations, as these can vary by region and change over time. Implementing destratification solutions can not only help in achieving regulatory compliance but also in enhancing overall operational efficiency and sustainability.

Fanquip Giant Fans

Fanquip’s Giant fans stand out as a premier solution for air destratification. These fans are engineered with longer blades to create wider columns of air that travel further and impact adjacent areas, ensuring gentle yet effective air movement. Their nearly silent operation and low-velocity airflow make them an unobtrusive addition to any facility, offering both summer cooling effects and winter heat recovery. In summer, they can reduce the perceived temperature by 5-7 degrees, enhancing worker productivity by mitigating heat stress. In winter, they can contribute to heating cost reductions of up to 43%, while also promoting healthier indoor air quality by improving air movement.


Destratification fans represent a smart investment for commercial and industrial businesses looking to enhance energy efficiency, reduce costs, and improve indoor comfort. With the potential for significant savings on heating and cooling, coupled with the benefits of a more comfortable and productive work environment, these systems are proving to be an indispensable tool in the modern business landscape. As awareness of the benefits of destratification grows, more businesses across Australia and New Zealand are turning to solutions like Fanquip’s Giant industrial fans to address their climate control needs effectively and sustainably.

In addition to ceiling-mounted destratification fans, our energy-efficient wall fans for industrial settings provide a complementary solution, ensuring thorough air circulation and temperature uniformity across all levels of the space.

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